There are moments where life just makes me so tremendously happy and thankful. This is one of those.
Last week, I met with LA-based illustrator Mike Estano, who my wife used to work with. He’s a tremendously talented dude who liked our album “The Ghost of John Henry” and wanted to talk about collaborating on a silk screened poster for it. I don’t know how much “collaboration” really came into it, since I pretty much said “Neat!” and he made this amazing poster
One of the things Mike and I have in common is that the only art we buy these days and display in our homes is handmade, and he hoped to come up with something that would stand alone as a work of art even beyond somebody’s enjoyment/familiarity with the latest album from my band. In my mind, he succeeded well beyond my expectations.
Listen, I made a whole record about John Henry – a story and folk song that has stuck with me since I was about eight years old. One of the themes of the album is that the work of human hands is powerful and meaningful. There is almost nothing that could give me more pleasure then, but to make these amazing posters available to our fans.
These are LIMITED RUN, handmade silk screened posters inspired by the album. They are available on two types of paper, a white edition (21.25″ x 9.25″ in.) that there are 24 of in the world, and a gold edition (22″ x 10″ in.) that there are only six of in the world. Seriously, six. In the world.
They started selling at our most recent gig, and will likely not last long. Grab one while you can.
Buy a white one:Buy a gold one:
And thank you all for making 2012 such an amazing year. We were recording the album at this time one year ago, and we could not have imagined the response it has received. We continue to be thankful, and extremely humbled. Making art that inspires other art is about the highest form of praise that I can think of.
Cheers. And may 2013 bring you many blessings.