My Love, Look Up
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Into the light we walk An ocean of sky that calls Its voice like wind and a welcome hand To bear you away when you fall But I go there with you My love, my love But I go there with you My love, my love We point […]
Just to Win the Fight
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1734092368 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=200520517] Fear is in the air Carried on the breeze A glowing ember To a grove of trees We fan the flames And sing proud songs Never asking If we could be wrong ‘Cause when we welcome lies Just to win the fight The truth becomes […]
“This Machine Kills Fascists”
As I’m slowly writing songs for a new album, other outlets seem to be popping up, like the Walk a Mile campaign back in July we were asked to participate in. And last week I recorded a new song, called “Just to Win the Fight,” that I felt would be better off heading out into […]
Different Writing Muscles
Different kinds of writing require different brain muscles. I’ve been reminded of this recently as I’ve started exercising my prose muscles for the first time in a while. My first ambition, as I remember, was to be a professional novelist, back when I was small and green and the world could grow such things. I […]
Walk a Mile Video Round-Up
So you may have heard — I’m sure I’ve been quite annoying about mentioning it — we were asked to participate in the Walk a Mile/Hours Against Hate campaign to support global tolerance. I wrote a song called “Walk a Mile,” and we recorded it, which looked like this:[youtube] You can download the song […]
Walk a Mile and The London Games
At the beginning of July, Stacey Haber of the Music Firm UK reached out to me to find out if I’d be willing to write and record a song for a social awareness campaign launching in conjunction with the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The campaign is called “Walk a Mile,” and draws its name […]
The Morning Breaks: My Life in Music
I just released a new video from our album The Ghost of John Henry, for the song “The Morning Breaks.” It goes like this:[youtube]This an intensely personal video for me, and I have to be honest it feels a little weird putting it out into the world. The earliest footage in here dates back […]
How Important is Fidelity?
When Hi8 seemed like an impossible dream I’m not talking about matrimony, here, but how well an audio or visual recording resembles the real-world phenomena it seeks to capture. High fidelity sounds and images used to be both a mark of professionalism and a barrier-to-entry for hobbyists in the temporal arts (film, video, music, etc.). […]
Cutting a Swath Through the Self-Releasing Jungle
Years ago, people started sounding the death knell for traditional music distribution models, and now much of the doomsday scenarios have played out exactly as feared (or hoped, depending on your particular relationship to the mainstream). Unfortunate casualties have been the record store, many independent radio stations, livable advances for musicians signed to labels, and […]
Obsolete Technology Will Demand a Reckoning: The Ghost of John Henry
Our new album, The Ghost of John Henry, is available today. The folk tale about a railroad worker who raced a steam drill has stuck with me since I was a little kid, and so in a lot of ways it feels like I’ve been leading up to this record my whole life. That makes […]